Advantages of using the LoadCentral Webtool

As a LoadCentral retailer, you can sell load products in two (2) ways: via SMS and via Webtool.  Among the two, I highly recommend the use of the LoadCentral Webtool to all my retailers because of the following advantages:
  1. No SMS cost since transaction is via web interface.
  2. Faster and more efficient since it by-passes our access SMS #'s.
  3. For the e-PIN that was just sold, the details are displayed on the PC monitor. The retailer can just write it in a piece of paper in the event that there are delays in SMS.
  4. Even if all the carriers' SMS systems are down, the retailer can still dispense e-PINs by selling to his own account.
  5. A retailer can do advance selling to himself of fast-movers. He can either write it in pieces of paper or print the e-PINs. He can sell a maximum of 10 e-PINs of the same product denomination per transaction.
  6. A static IP address offers the best security for the retailer since transaction using the web tool can only be done in his shop. The DSL ISP normally provides this.
  7. In case the LoadCentral website ( is not accessible, the retailer can directly access the URL by logging in at
Download the LoadCentral Webtool Flyer here
Source: MOL-LoadCentral FB Page

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